Project Term 2021-2022
Project Term is a five-week term for grades 6-12 that begins on May 16th and ends on June 15th. Project Term is an opportunity for students to explore areas of interest, engage in experiential learning, and to recover any lost credits or skill gaps from the school year. This structure also allows us to offer a rich variety of courses that are difficult to offer in a small school setting during the traditional school year. Wolverine Showcase of Learning!
Wolverine Showcase will be held on June 14th (tentative) in order to display what students have accomplished during Project Term.
Important Dates:
March 31, 2022 Parent Night Meeting
April 4th, 2022 Course Registration Opens
April 18th, 2022 Registration Deadline
May 16th, 2022 Project Term Begins
June 3rd, 2022 Last Day for Seniors
June 14th, 2022 Wolverine Showcase of Learning
June 15th, 2022 Last Day of School
General Guidelines:
All students must attend Project Term. This final term is a part of our school year and regular attendance is expected; the attendance policy will not change from the regular school year. Students must have 75% attendance in order to receive a pass for these courses.
Students are expected to participate 100%. Students are required to meet all guidelines established by the teacher.
Each course is being offered as credit/no credit. Students will accumulate partial credits each year for every course that counts towards graduation requirements.
Students who have failed any courses in Semesters 1 or 2, or in previous years will automatically be signed up to take 1-3 Credit Recovery hours.
Course Registration:
Course choices will be prioritized by grade seniority and then by application date. Turn in your registration ASAP to receive the highest priority of scheduling.
Fill out the entire schedule request form. Do not repeat any classes.
Sign up for a variety of courses! This is your opportunity to explore topics you may not have encountered in the past.
To view the course descriptions please click on this link Catalog Link